Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Reason for the Season

I finished decorating for Christmas at my house. I decided seven trees were enough. Did I really say that? I am never finished, it seems I always keep adding a detail here or there but I did feel like I am at a stopping place so I sat down to enjoy all the decor. As I began to relax, I looked at the nativity and family Bible in my entry and thanked God for sending His Son. There is no other awesome gift. During this season remember, Jesus is the Reason for the Season.


  1. I'm glad you've decided to stop Gail. Seven trees is a lot and since I'm not even doing one I was feeling more and and more guilty with each post. "Jesus is the reason for the season" dad used to rent huge billboards in town with the image of a nativity and those words, "Jesus is the reason for the season". Today retailers and advertisers are afraid to say Merry Christmas and resort to Happy Holidays. My dad was a christian businessman and wanted everyone to know it. Miss him.

  2. What a beautiful decoration scene, Gail. It tells it all. 7 trees -- Wow. Can't wait to see them plus all of your other decorations. I know it looks beautiful. Enjoy your lovely home.


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